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Pentest Kick-off

Getting Started

  1. Open Teams and review the Scoping documents
  2. Open Obsidian and copy over the scope info (IPs, Package, Web Apps, Start/End Date, and any other extra notes)
  3. Connect to Proxmox and open the Netragard Kali VM or use VMWare VM
    1. Go to Documents and create a new folder with the name of the client
    2. Run a simple nmap scan: nmap <IPs> -oA simple-scan
    3. Run a advance nmap scan: nmap -sCV <IPs> -oA adv-scan This can usually cause outages or legacy devices to go down
  4. Open Nessus and run a scan and save it in the Noah scan folder
  5. Once the scan is completed for both Nessus and nmap review the results dive deeper
  6. Once an issue has been found make a quick note about what it is in Obsidian and take a proper number of screen shots to paste into Obsidian



Created Date: April 25th 2022 23:20
Last Modified Date: April 25th 2022 23:25