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Pentest Kick-off
Getting Started
- Open Teams and review the Scoping documents
- Open Obsidian and copy over the scope info (IPs, Package, Web Apps, Start/End Date, and any other extra notes)
- Connect to Proxmox and open the Netragard Kali VM or use VMWare VM
- Go to Documents and create a new folder with the name of the client
- Run a simple nmap scan:
nmap <IPs> -oA simple-scan
- Run a advance nmap scan:
nmap -sCV <IPs> -oA adv-scan
This can usually cause outages or legacy devices to go down
- Open Nessus and run a scan and save it in the
scan folder - Once the scan is completed for both Nessus and nmap review the results dive deeper
- Once an issue has been found make a quick note about what it is in Obsidian and take a proper number of screen shots to paste into Obsidian
Title | URL |
place | holder |
Created Date: April 25th 2022 23:20
Last Modified Date: April 25th 2022 23:25