Secondary Categories: 02-Physical

Lock Picks

Elevator Keys

FEO-K1UniversalThis is the most common and universal key for Fire Service
EPCO1/EN1UniversalCommon Fire Service key, sometimes used on Schindler elevators
Yale 3502New YorkFire Service master key for every elevator in New York
Yale 2642New YorkOld Fire Service master key for every elevator in New York
BGM30OTISOpens the panels for OTIS elevators
UTFOTISFire Service master key for OTIS elevators
UTAOTISIndependent Service, fan, light, cabinet for OTIS elevators
UTHOTISFloor lockout, inspection, access for OTIS elevators
501CHSchindlerFire Service master key for Schindler elevators
J200Monietor/JanusIndependent Service, fan, light, cabinet for Monitor fixtures
J217Monitor/JanusFire Service master key for Monitor fixtures
EX513InnovationIndependent Service, fan, light, cabinet for Innovation elevators
EX515InnovationFire Service master key for Innovation elevators
KONE3KONEFire Service master key for KONE elevators

Common Keys

Linear 222343Master key for every Linear intercom system
DoorKing 16120Master key for every DoorKing intercom system
CH751Extremely common cabinet key
C415AExtremely Common cabinet key
C413ACommon cabinet key
C420ACommon cabinet key
C642ACommon cabinet key
C346ACommon cabinet key
C390ACommon cabinet key
EK333Common server cabinet key
Ilco CC1Common golf cart key

Bump Keys

Key sets: KW1, KW11, SC1, SC4, M1, M10, DE6, Y1, M1, LW4, LW4R, LW5, TE2





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