Secondary Categories: 02-Learning Material Over the years I’ve collected many resources to help myself and other with learning about hacking. Below are a few personal notes I made while studying for my Offensive Security Certified Professional Certification.

Cheat Sheets


Linux Privilege Escalation

[ g0tm!1k Linux Privilege Escalation Cheat Sheet]

Linux Privilege Escalation

[ g0tm!1k Linux Privilege Escalation Cheat Sheet]


Windows Kernel Exploit

Windows Privilege Escalation

** [β€”system Watson Usage for Privilege Escalation]

Window Privilege Enumeration Tools

** [ Using Sherlock]

Windows Tools

** [ Windows Exploit Suggester | Github]

** [ Windows Hack Pack]

** [ Watson Exploit Suggester Privilege Escalation]

Windows Other Useful Notes


Windows Kernel Exploit

Windows Privilege Escalation

** [β€”system Watson Usage for Privilege Escalation]

Window Privilege Enumeration Tools

** [ Using Sherlock]

Windows Tools

** [ Windows Exploit Suggester | Github]

** [ Windows Hack Pack]

** [ Watson Exploit Suggester Privilege Escalation]

Windows Other Useful Notes