Secondary Categories: 02 - External Reconnaissance Links: Search Tag:πŸ“•

Google Dorks


The Google Hacking Database contains hundreds of examples, but I’ll cover some basic uses here.

site: Β Limit the search results to those from a specific website.

Not so useful by itself but will return every page that Google has indexed for the domain.

intitle: Β Find pages with a certain word in the title.

This will return every page that contains the word β€œapple” in the title.

inurl: Β Find pages with a certain word in the URL.

This will return every page where β€œapple” appears in the URL.

intext: Β Find pages containing a certain word (or words) somewhere in the content.

This will return every page where β€œapple” appears in the body text.

filetype:Β  Search for filetypes that Google understands. filetype:pdf

This will return all PDFs on Β Other filetypes such as docx, pptx and xlsx also work. Β This could be combined with intitle:report to find all PDFs that have β€œreport” in the name. Β Google does not understand all filetypes, so inurl could be used instead.

#..#:Β  Search for a range of numbers. filetype:pdf 2020..2022

This will return all PDFs on which contain the numbers 2020, 2021 and 2022. Β Useful for finding information constrained to a given timeframe.

-:Β  Exclude a phrase. -www -support

This will return pages indexed on excluding the wwwΒ and supportΒ domains. Β Useful for finding other subdomains.

These dorks can be used to find interesting files, web applications and information.


Created Date: November 6th 2022 15:25
Last Modified Date: November 6th 2022 15:25